Originally published by Chamber of Merchants
You can view part one of the Patron's journey here and part two here.
Thursday saw my account go from being in the red to just tipping into the green!
“Finally” I thought…relief and joy washed over me.
Then Friday morning brought the Red back into my account & once again my mind began to entertain different negative thoughts.
As a side note, I previously mentioned my account dropped by about 10% which took me down to almost $9,000. I also wrote how I did not want to breath a word of it to my lovely wife…well I found out yesterday, she has been reading these posts since the first week. From here on out I shall be referring to her as my “Very, Very Loving Wife”.
So back to how I felt great on Thursday as my account balance was finally even, and then Friday my account dropped 5% back, thanks to a dip in the Gold price.
Once again I may have had negative thoughts during the Friday, I even doubted the ability to make double my money within a few months.
You may be thinking, “he started out looking for 7% within 3 months, and now he wants double?”
Well folks, my account has fluctuated up and down a few times over the past week and a half.
This movement totals up to 24% of positive and negative movement.
That kind of movement shows me how 7% is easily attainable, so rather than aiming low, I have decided to aim high.
My parents always told me as a child, if you aim for the stars you’ll hit the moon!
“I’m trying to deal with the desire of making money quickly…versus making money patiently.”
I don’t believe I’m any different to the people reading this post, as I too experience life and emotions just the same and my mind sometimes darts around with fleeting thoughts.
I’m trying to deal with the desire of making money quickly…versus making money patiently. The two are very different styles when trading stocks.
I’m inexperienced and would struggle to make money quickly as I’d base my moves on emotions and thoughts, instead of research and information. This reason alone is why I remain under guidance from someone else who has already dealt with the same thoughts and gone through the same emotions.
I need someone there to remind me about humbleness. Through honest conversation one is able to open up to discover the reasons and roots of stress or negative thoughts.
I’ve learnt how my ego thrives on short term gains, so I now have to remind myself of a few things:
- You are not your thoughts
- You’re in it for the long haul
- Hindsight will always be 20/20
- Nobody likes someone who boasts
- Stay humble
I may not be wealthier today, but plenty other people definitely are…I think I’ll be patient, and humbly join them in good time.
Yours Faithfully
the Patron