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Forex Pivot Points

Name S3S2S1Pivot PointsR1R2R3
EUR/USD 1.0929 1.0935 1.0939 1.0945 1.0949 1.0955 1.0959
USD/JPY 149.00 149.05 149.15 149.20 149.30 149.35 149.45
GBP/USD 1.2992 1.2996 1.3000 1.3004 1.3008 1.3012 1.3016
USD/CHF 0.8755 0.8758 0.8762 0.8765 0.8769 0.8772 0.8776
USD/CAD 1.4289 1.4296 1.4300 1.4307 1.4311 1.4318 1.4322
EUR/JPY 162.92 163.05 163.19 163.32 163.46 163.59 163.73
AUD/USD 0.6350 0.6353 0.6357 0.6360 0.6364 0.6367 0.6371
NZD/USD 0.5808 0.5811 0.5814 0.5817 0.5820 0.5823 0.5826
EUR/GBP 0.8409 0.8412 0.8414 0.8417 0.8419 0.8422 0.8424
EUR/CHF 0.9584 0.9587 0.9590 0.9593 0.9596 0.9599 0.9602
AUD/JPY 94.62 94.70 94.81 94.89 95.00 95.08 95.19
GBP/JPY 193.64 193.75 193.92 194.03 194.20 194.31 194.48
CHF/JPY 169.93 170.03 170.16 170.26 170.39 170.49 170.62
EUR/CAD 1.5630 1.5640 1.5647 1.5657 1.5664 1.5674 1.5681
AUD/CAD 0.9091 0.9094 0.9096 0.9099 0.9101 0.9104 0.9106
NZD/CAD 0.8314 0.8317 0.8319 0.8322 0.8324 0.8327 0.8329
CAD/JPY 104.06 104.12 104.24 104.30 104.42 104.48 104.60
NZD/JPY 86.55 86.61 86.70 86.76 86.85 86.91 87.00
AUD/NZD 1.0928 1.0930 1.0932 1.0934 1.0936 1.0938 1.0940
GBP/AUD 2.0424 2.0433 2.0439 2.0448 2.0454 2.0463 2.0469
EUR/AUD 1.7181 1.7192 1.7199 1.7210 1.7217 1.7228 1.7235
GBP/CHF 1.1387 1.1390 1.1395 1.1398 1.1403 1.1406 1.1411
EUR/NZD 1.8789 1.8799 1.8806 1.8816 1.8823 1.8833 1.8840
AUD/CHF 0.5564 0.5567 0.5571 0.5574 0.5578 0.5581 0.5585
GBP/NZD 2.2330 2.2339 2.2345 2.2354 2.2360 2.2369 2.2375
USD/CNY 7.2263 7.2266 7.2272 7.2275 7.2281 7.2284 7.2290
USD/INR 86.567 86.585 86.595 86.613 86.623 86.641 86.651
USD/MXN 19.9135 19.9269 19.9379 19.9513 19.9623 19.9757 19.9867
USD/ZAR 18.1082 18.1140 18.1171 18.1229 18.1260 18.1318 18.1349
USD/SGD 1.3298 1.3300 1.3303 1.3305 1.3308 1.3310 1.3313
USD/HKD 7.7690 7.7692 7.7694 7.7696 7.7698 7.7700 7.7702
USD/DKK 6.8055 6.8085 6.8122 6.8152 6.8189 6.8219 6.8256
GBP/CAD 1.8581 1.8590 1.8595 1.8604 1.8609 1.8618 1.8623
USD/SEK 10.0077 10.0155 10.0249 10.0327 10.0421 10.0499 10.0593
USD/RUB 81.6903 81.7051 81.7277 81.7426 81.7652 81.7801 81.8027
USD/TRY 36.6706 36.6734 36.6770 36.6798 36.6834 36.6862 36.6898
BTC/USD 43109.9 43423.9 43593.6 43907.7 44077.4 44391.4 44561.1
BTC/EUR 8776.5 8776.5 8776.5 8776.5 8776.5 8776.5 8776.5
Pivot Points Info

Pivot point, support and resistance calculations are widely accepted as the simplest yet most effective trading strategy. They are well trusted by traders, banks and all financial institutions as clear indicators of the strength or weakness of the market. They are used as the basis for most technical analysis. The pivot point is the point in which the market sentiment changes from bearish to bullish or vice versa.

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