By Yasin Ebrahim – The S&P 500 continued to swing wildly Monday, but fresh reports that Russia reportedly had moved into attack positions pressured stocks to session lows.
The S&P 500 fell 1.0%, the Dow Jones Industrial Average fell 1.1%, or 386 points, the Nasdaq slipped 0.7%.
CBS reported that Russia had readied its troops into positions to launch an attack triggered fresh fears that of an imminent attack on Ukraine.
The reports were a blow to hopes that Moscow was open to the idea of taking the diplomatic route to find a resolution to de-escalating tensions on the Ukraine boarder.
Russian President Vladimir Putin had earlier signaled his backing for Russia to continue talks with the U.S. and its allies after his Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov described proposals tabled by Washington as “constructive.”
The U.S. rejected Russia’s main demand for guarantees that NATO won’t allow Ukraine to join as a member, but offered to discuss limits for missile deployments in Europe, and restrictions on military drills.