Aug 17 (Reuters) - CSL Ltd CSL.AX :
* Appendix 4e, directors report and financial statements CSL.AX
* FY net profit after tax for the year attributable to members of the parent entity down 10.0% to US$1.24 billion
* FY total revenue and other income US$ 6.13 billion versus US$5.63 billion
* Final dividend of US$0.68 per ordinary share, unfranked, for year ended 30 June 2016
* During the year, the group carried out an on-market share buyback of up to A$1 billion as an element of its capital management program
* During hy2017, CSL intends to approach US private placement market to raise about US$500 million as part of co's overall capital management program
* Source text for Eikon ID:nASX4QlgKH,nASX3zK3V