Originally published by Chamber of Merchants
"The Patron" is a new series by Chamber of Merchants that follows a beginner investor trying to turn $10,000 in to $20,000 in less than a year. Click here to read The Patron's first post.
No better than last week and possibly lower.
This would normally have me worried, as I’ve barely had one day where my account was in the green, but I’m starting to see the bigger picture and it looks pretty good.
I have taken some time to appreciate what I have in life, and there is no doubt I’m in a fortunate position and should not dwell on minor misfortunes.
If we look at Australia, and what the news is casting our way, then we see some big drops in the ASX…$40 Billion in 2 days!
Our Aussie dollar is dropping against the American Dollar and if you take a peep at Australia’s job situation…then you’ll know a few of us are doing it tough compared to previous years.
One out of every three jobs in Australia is now part time and that makes Australia one of the highest part-time work dependant industrialised nations…not good.
Unemployment numbers no longer provide accurate measures thanks to strict standards adopted by the ABS.
This seems gloomy to many, especially when looking at property prices in Sydney & Melbourne (I definitely can’t afford the asking price) which have been artificially driven by foreign investors.
“When you are faced with the possibility of losing something you have, you suddenly become aware of its value and meaning.”
Perhaps we should head to WA where there is a 20% drop in housing prices (more affordable)…except the number of new homes being built has decreased by almost 30% due to slow growth in WA’s economy.
If there are fewer houses being built, then there are fewer jobs available and less money being spent.
Despite all the numbers and statistics that point us into a stormy few years… I find myself learning to love life every day.
When you are faced with the possibility of losing something you have, you suddenly become aware of its value and meaning.
Apply this thinking to work, relationships or even money.
When we had it, we spent it so easily. Now the sky turns dark and cloudy, and we run the risk of losing it all…Suddenly we’re looking for a way to save.
I’m no different to many Australians who are trying to provide for a family, save for retirement and enjoy the short weekends we have in between.
I want to learn how to trade and invest, so that I can achieve those goals of retirement, providing the family with a roof over the heads and food in their bellies.
I have a loving and supportive wife, with great guidance from close friends.
They are the reason I can see the bigger picture…and it looks good!
Yours Faithfully
The Patron