Yandal Resources Ltd (ASX:YRL) has returned ‘significant’ shallow gold mineralisation from reverse circulation (RC) drilling at the HMS Sulphur Prospect within the Mt McClure Gold Project in Western Australia.
Standout assays include:
- 9 metres at 1.9 g/t gold from 39 metres, including 6 metres at 2.6 g/t;
- 9 metres at 1.9 g/t from 151 metres, including 2 metres at 4.9 g/t; and
- 5 metres at 2.5 g/t from 56 metres, including 3 metres at 3.4 g/t.
Looking ahead, the results will be used to update the geological model at HMS Sulphur and, together with previous results, will form the basis of an initial mineral resource estimate (MRE) planned for the December 2023 quarter.
“Compelling target”
Yandal managing director Tim Kennedy said: “HMS Sulphur is the most advanced prospect outside of the footprint of the historical open cuts.
“It was a compelling target due to the relatively shallow nature and simple geometry of mineralisation.
“Being immediately along strike from our Success MRE provides some synergies in terms of potential future development scenarios.
“We look forward to fully evaluating the results and with a view to producing an initial MRE in the December quarter.”
Drill summary
The recent results at HMS Sulphur continue a successful RC infill program, with 26 of the 30 holes drilled returning significant intersections.
Assays indicate that potential high-grade zones plunging moderately to the south are present across the prospect, similar to the adjacent Success Open Pit and nearby Orelia deposits.
The progression of the HMS Sulphur prospect demonstrates the discovery potential across the Mt McClure Gold Project.
Forward plan
Yandal has planned a very active September quarter with priority exploration activities, including:
- Complete interpretation of RC drilling at the HMS Sulphur Prospect Mount McClure that will enable an initial mineral resource estimate for that prospect.
- Arrange access approval for drill testing targets at Ironstone Well/Barwidgee, including Quarter Moon, Oblique and the New England prospects. RC drill test key prospects.
- Follow-up significant aircore drill results over structural and geochemical targets at Mt McClure and Ironstone Well/Barwidgee.
- Follow-up of targets highlighted in the recent independent geological targeting studies at Gordons (completed by Ben McCormack of Outlier Geoscience) and Ironstone Well/Barwidgee (completed by Mike Outhwaite of Lithify Pty Ltd).
- Complete 3D modelling of historic and recent drilling data at MMC to establish controls on potential higher-grade plunging shoots for follow-up drill testing.