Stellar Resources Ltd (ASX:SRZ) has extended the mineralised footprint of the Severn and Queen Hill deposits at the Heemskirk Tin Project, highlighting the potential for a larger hydrothermal system.
Hole ZS152 was targeted at a large magnetic and conductive target.
The results extended the Severn mineralised footprint a further 100 metres to the south, with results of note including:
- 3.4 metres at 0.43% tin and 0.11% copper from 331.4 metres;
- 6.4 metres at 0.03% tin from 355.0 metres; and
- 2.3 metres at 0.04% tin from 388.7 metres.
“Potential for a larger hydrothermal system”
“Hole ZS152, completed approximately 100 metres south of the Severn Mineral Resource, has not only demonstrated potential to significantly extend the Queen Hill and Severn tin mineralisation but has highlighted potential for a larger hydrothermal system with potential to host further zones of tin and/or copper mineralisation associated with structures/fluid pathways,” Stellar Resources executive director Gary Fietz said.
This particular drill hole contained over 125 metres (cumulative) of finely disseminated pyrrhotite and chalcopyrite (copper sulphide) with moderate magnetic susceptibility between 944 metres and 1,177 metres, which has been identified as the source of a large magnetic anomaly to the south of the Severn deposit.
Handheld analyser readings have recorded copper and tin mineralisation through this zone, but the drill core has not been sampled and assayed yet.
Stellar has also embarked on a resource infill drilling program at Severn, having completed two holes (ZS155 and ZS156) of eight planned.
The cores have not been assayed yet, but visual interpretations indicate sulphide veining (pyrrhotite and pyrite) plus cassiterite, with the presence of tin confirmed by handheld x-ray fluorescence (XRF) readings.
Stellar expects to process and sample the drill cores in January.