Alligator Energy Ltd (ASX:AGE) has kicked off a five-grid time domain electromagnetic (EM) survey at the Piedmont Nickel-Cobalt Project in the Alpe Laghetto area of Northern Italy.
The primary objective of the EM program is to determine the presence of conductors proximal to historic mines and extensive known surface mineralisation occurrences in the company’s exploration holdings.
This program will also enhance the geological understanding of the Piedmont Project through the collection and presentation of high-quality data allowing targeted follow-up drill testing if warranted.
What’s more, the ground EM survey commenced using an experienced Canadian-based geophysics company testing for conductors in the Alpe Laghetto area.
The markets have welcomed the news, with shares trading as high as $0.055, up 10% from the previous close
Advancing geological understanding
Alligator CEO Greg Hall said: “It has taken some two years to get back onto the ground on our Piedmont project due to COVID and access restrictions, with these no longer being an impediment.
“Our Italian geological consultants have engaged with Turin-based mines authority and the local community to ensure an understanding of our geophysics work, and previous engagement at the provincial level enabled our drilling permits to be approved in early 2020, just as COVID travel and access restrictions hit.
“We are looking forward to these ground EM results advancing our geological understanding in an area which has 17 showings of 0.5% nickel or greater, with very little modern exploration, and not one drill hole.
“Italy and Europe continue to support exploration for needed critical minerals.”
Forward plan
Alligator has had previous interest from several potential strategic partners for investment in the project, two of which are still engaged.
The company has both 100% owned tenements and an option to acquire 100% of the JV tenements for the project.
Also, Alligator has previously approved drilling permits for the Alpe Laghetto area which will enable follow-up drilling on identified targets if warranted.
Alpe Laghetto area has been historically mined for nickel-cobalt mineralisation, with nickel, cobalt and copper also present in other tenement locations.
Notably, AGE has previously undertaken detailed ground truthing and sampling indicating excellent nickel and copper grades within the exposed mineralised areas and old mines.
The ground EM surveys are expected to be completed in four to five weeks.