Aldoro Resources Ltd (ASX:ARN) is further encouraged by its latest assays from the Narndee Igneous Complex.
Hole ND0029 has confirmed a 9-metre intersection of nickel-copper platinum group elements (PGE) mineralisation in the Eastern Anomaly and reaffirmed the 900-metre-long Eastern IP Anomaly dips to the north with higher levels of PGEs to the north.
The highlight of the results was: NDD0029 - 9 metres at 0.96 g/t 3E, 0.57% nickel, 0.17% copper and 0.02% cobalt from 296 metres.
The 9-metre-thick anomalous zone has been interpreted as a continuation of the 10-metre-thick zone intersected in hole NDD0028 100 metres to the south along the Eastern Anomaly which returned 10 metres at 0.67g/t (3E), 0.59% nickel, 0.17% copper and 0.02% cobalt from 219 metres.
The thicker intervals are thought to be part of the same mineralised zone based on the IP sounding which reveal a chargeability anomaly dipping to the north.
The company also notes the increasing palladium and platinum assay values with increasing depth.
Other anomalous intersections include two 2-metre anomalous nickel-copper-PGE bands:
- NDD0028 - 2 metres at 0.27 g/t 3E, 0.41% nickel, 0.19% copper and 0.02% cobalt from 319 metres; and
- NDD0029 - 2 metres at 0.56g/t 3E, 0.46% nickel, 0.11% copper and 0.02% cobalt from 288 metres.
The Eastern chargeability target is more than 900 metres long, where the earlier drill hole NDD0025, to the south of NDD0028, reported 4 metres at 0.57 g/t palladium, 0.09 g/t platinum, 0.04 g/t gold (0.69 g/t 3E) and 0.54% nickel, 0.15% copper from 247 metres.
Read: Aldoro Resources encouraged by initial drilling and IP outcomes at Narndee
The two additional holes were drilled further along strike to intersect thicker mineralisation. Hole NDD0028 intersected pentlandite from 90 metres and disseminated sulphides to the end of the hole at 346.8 metres where a large cavity was intersected resulting in the loss of the drill rods and the hole being terminated. Chalcopyrite zones were noted at 304.7-329 metres and at 339.5 to EOH at 351.1 metres.
In hole NDD0029, chalcopyrite was noted from 284.9-317 metres, with the 285-319 metres interval analysed at Intertek’s Perth laboratory.
Drill locations, drill traces and IP chargeability image with targets labelled. The VC01 area is outlined with the 2021 drilling including hole NDD0014 which recovered massive sulphides. Interpreted faults are shown as black lines.
What to expect next
Aldoro will now assess the forward work program for Narndee, which includes correlating the drilling results, IP images, geology and structural information.
The program will involve:
- Infill drilling at 50 metres along strike of the Eastern IP anomaly.
- Drilling the two new large IP anomalies, The Northwest and Northern targets.
- A deeper hole into the Central target where the IP suggests a deep chargeability zone.