Nov 7 (Reuters) - Goodman Group Pty Ltd GMG.AX
* Reaffirming forecast FY2017 full year operating earnings per security of 42.5 cents, up 6% on FY2016
* Qtrly occupancy maintained at 96% across group and partnerships
* Qtrly total assets under management of $34.2 billion
* Urban renewal strategy progressing ahead of expectations
* Ongoing focus remains to improve asset and income quality, with rate expected to slow as these sales are completed
* Reaffirms its forecast full year FY2017 forecast distribution of 25.4 cents per security, up 6% on FY2016
* "Settlement from urban renewal sites will result in group's gearing trending below 10% and coupled with positive momentum in first quarter" Source text for Eikon: ID:nASX4KN0kX Further company coverage: GMG.AX