July 21 (Reuters) - Paladin Energy Ltd PDN.AX :
* Strategic process achieves agreements to raise over US$200M PDN.AX
* Signed a non-binding terms sheet with a major participant in the global
nuclear power industry to sell it a 24% interest in lhm
* If deal proceeds on its current terms, the sale is expected to raise $175
million cash for the company
* Signed a binding terms sheet with MGT Resources Limited (MGT) for it to make
a two-stage acquisition of 75% of Manyingee
* MGT will issue Paladin options to subscribe for new shares equivalent to 5%
of MGT's shares outstanding at A$0.06 per share
* MGT's directors have irrevocably agreed to vote in favour
* To raise in excess of $200 million pertains to proposed sale of 24% of Langer
Heinrich Mine (LHM) and sale of up to 75% of Manyingee
Source text for Eikon ID:nASX6844yv
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