- Prices of Bitcoin and other major digital tokens dropped on Friday in Asia after advancing for the past two days. The drop came despite the news that the Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE) made a new attempt to list a Bitcoin exchange-traded fund (ETF).
On Jan. 31, the CBOE re-applied with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) to change a rule, so that it could list the Bitcoin ETF, according to a public filing on January 31. The ETF is supported by investment firm VanEck and financial services company SolidX.
The move is a new attempt after the company pulled plans to list the Bitcoin ETF on Jan. 23 due to the U.S. government shutdown. But as the government reopened last Friday, the company submitted its proposal again.
An ETF is a marketable security that tracks a basket of assets. Bitcoin traders were said to be looking forward to the approval of a Bitcoin ETF, hoping it would lead to mass adoption of the digital coin.
The news did not seem to have any bullish impact on Crypto assets prices on Friday however, as Bitcoin lost 1.4% to $3,423.5by 12:02 AM ET (05:02 GMT).
Ethereum traded3.9% lower to $105.22, XRP slumped 7.7% lower to $ 0.30100, and Litecoin slid 3.1% to $31.071.
In other news, the New York State Department of Financial Services granted a BitLicense to Cottonwood Vending LLC, a US-based operator of Bitcoin ATMs. The company became the second ATM operator to obtain the license, which will allow it to operate as a money transmitter and digital currency exchange.