Cboe Clear Digital announced it has received the necessary approval from the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) to expand its product offering to include margined futures contracts. The initial product launch will include physically and financially settled Bitcoin and Ether contracts in the second half of 2023. Cboe Digital is the first
Cboe Digital to date has offered trading and clearing of Bitcoin and Ether futures on a fully collateralized basis, which require customers to outlay the full amount of a futures contract upfront. The new margin model will require only a percentage of the total posted as collateral, enabling customers to trade futures in a less capital-intensive way. Trades will be executed and cleared through an approved set of member Futures Commission Merchants (FCMs) with Cboe Digital's clearinghouse acting as the central counterparty.
"We are grateful to the CFTC for working with us as we continue to build out our vision for a transparent,
Cboe Digital has the unique ability to trade spot and margin futures on the same platform, which fills a key gap in the US landscape, and brings greater cost and operational efficiencies to enhance customers' trading experience. In addition to margin futures, Cboe Digital's spot market supports trading in Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Ether, Litecoin and USDC. Cboe Digital's unified spot and derivatives markets are underpinned by responsible innovation.