Aug 14 (Reuters) - Wpg Resources Ltd WPG.AX :
* Cash enhancement program WPG.AX
* Implemented a cash enhancement program as a consequence of current market conditions facing junior miners
* "All staff and consultants have agreed voluntarily to reduce their fees and salaries in order to conserve cash"
* Says redundancies will not impact on the company's technical or management skill sets going forward
* Wpg resources ltd-company has entered into an agreement to sell its port pirie land for $750,000 with settlement anticipated in September 2015
* "Chairman will reduce his fee by 60%, and executive directors and all other staff by 20%"
* Says "cost saving initiatives, are expected to reduce the company's cash consumption by approximately $1 million over a full year"
* Says reductions in remuneration packages are permanent, and not deferrals
* Source text for Eikon ID:nASX300CGZ