April 28 (Reuters) - Charter Hall Group CHC.AX -
* Fy earnings guidance upgrade to 35.9cps
* Guidance includes impact of both today's equity raising and an incremental performance fee to be realised.
* Undertaking a $275 million fully underwritten institutional placement to fund $333m of identified co-investments
* $5.48 per security fixed issue price, representing a 3.4% discount to charter hall's closing price on 27 april 2017
* Is co-investing in nine existing funds/partnerships to support their continued growth and two new fund initiatives
* Driver of operating earnings guidance upgrade triggering of 5-year interim performance fee in charter hall office trust partnership
* Performance fee will deliver an additional $10 million of pre-tax revenue
* Sees fy17 distribution per security 30.0 cents
* These new investments are also expected to generate an initial extra $1.8bn of fum Source text for Eikon: ID:nASX4PmjRf Further company coverage: CHC.AX