Toyota has again topped the list of registered passenger vehicle makes in Australia with 2.9 million registrations in 2018, according to newly released ABS Motor Vehicle Census data .
"Toyota had over one million more registered passenger vehicles in 2018 than its closest rival, Holden" said Justin Lokhorst, ABS Director of Transport and Tourism. "This is the 13th consecutive year that Toyota has topped the list of registered passenger vehicles."
While Holden remains in second spot with 1.8 million registrations, the number of registered Holden passenger vehicles has been declining in number since 2008, decreasing by 3.9 per cent from 2017 to 2018. Ford passenger vehicles came in third place with 1.2 million registered passenger vehicles in 2018, a decrease of 5.4 per cent from the previous year. Registrations of Ford passenger vehicles have been decreasing since the turn of the century and 2018 sees a continuation of this decline.
Mazda and Hyundai round out the top 5 with 1.2 million and 1.1 million vehicles registered respectively. These makes have reported substantial increases in the number of passenger vehicles on register in recent years. The number of Mazda passenger vehicle registrations has increased by 38.0 per cent in the 5 years since 2013, whilst Hyundai has increased by 34.5 per cent over the same period.
Overall, the national fleet of registered motor vehicles increased by 2.1 per cent from last year to 19.2 million registered vehicles in 2018.
Registrations of diesel powered vehicles continue to rise, increasing by 52.1 per cent (1.5 million vehicles) in the five years since 2013. Registrations of petrol fuelled vehicles rose slightly (0.6 per cent, 90,200) from 2017 to 2018. However, their share of the national fleet decreased by 1.1 percentage points to 74.6 per cent. The number of LPG/Dual fuel vehicles continues to decrease, falling by 34.2 per cent (161,191) since 2013. Over the same period, the number of registered electric vehicles has increased by 159.2 per cent to 8,334.
The 2018 Motor Vehicle Census details the number of registered motor vehicles in Australia and provides information such as vehicle type, vehicle characteristics including the year of manufacture, and type of fuel used.