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Stock Market Analysis

Francesco Casarella
Up 55% This Year, Can Tesla Stock Keep Outperforming? By Francesco Casarella - Mar 28, 2023

Tesla's stock currently trades at a discount to fair value and is up 55% YTD. The company's fundamentals have improved over the last few years. However, concerns remain about Tesla's ability to fend...

Avi Gilburt
A Bear Market Could Last Much Longer Than Expected By Avi Gilburt - Mar 21, 2023 1

For those who have followed me through the years, you would likely remember at least one of the many major market directional calls we have made in many different markets. And while this list is...

Shane Neagle
Is the Credit Suisse Acquisition a Good Deal for UBS? By Shane Neagle - Mar 21, 2023 2

UBS (NYSE:UBS) reached an agreement to acquire Credit Suisse (NYSE:CS) in an “emergency rescue” deal worth more than $3.2 billion. The takeover, pushed by regulators to prevent a banking...

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