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Stock Market Analysis

Avi Gilburt
S&P 500: Is Rally to 4800 Already Underway? By Avi Gilburt - Oct 11, 2023

As we look back upon another interesting week in the market, there are a few standout matters I would like to point out.To begin with, I saw the following quote from an interview with well-known...

James Picerno
Large-Cap Stocks Still Lead US Equity Factors in 2023 By James Picerno - Oct 10, 2023

It wasn’t that long ago that several brave forecasters were advising that 2023 would be the year that value stocks regained their leadership credentials that the historical record suggests is...

Dr. Arnout ter Schure
Is the S&P 500 Now Going to Rally to 4800? By Dr. Arnout ter Schure - Oct 10, 2023

Those who read my articles regularly know that over the past month, we have been tracking an Elliott Wave Principle (EWP) impulse move (five grey waves W-i, ii, iii, iv, and v) lower from the...

Chris Kimble
NYSE Index Testing COVID Lows Rising Support By Chris Kimble - Oct 07, 2023

With stocks under pressure, it is time to take a look at a key stock market index that also serves as a barometer of market strength (with more than 3,500 stocks).Today, we turn our attention to...

Dr. Arnout ter Schure
The NASDAQ 100 Reached the $14400s – What Is Next? By Dr. Arnout ter Schure - Oct 03, 2023

Two weeks ago, see here, we found for the Nasdaq 100 using the Elliott Wave Principle (EWP) that based on a standard Fibonacci-based impulse pattern, the index was most likely working on a five-wave...

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