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Shares of Aurora Cannabis (NYSE:ACB), (TSX:ACB) plunged about 10% Monday, hitting their lowest point in more than two years following the news that its chief corporate officer Cam Battley had...
WTI is falling for the second day following reports that Kuwait and Saudi Arabia are nearing a deal to restart production in the shared neutral zone along their border which has been untouched for...
Another decade has gone by in commodities, with none the wiser on whether the world is any closer to hitting peak demand or production in oil and a return to $100 pricing on a barrel of crude. As the...
After the 2018 Christmas Eve collapse of U.S. equity markets, 2019 was a year that proved many forecasters wrong. The economy remained strong, markets soared and stocks continued their decade-long...
SPX up 28.67% so far for the year, on course to overtake the +29.68% hit at close of 2013. Expected January signing for Phrase I of trade deal and a dovish Fed may trigger traders to drive the...
From New York to London to Beijing, there is less fear of a recession in 2020, as the U.S. economic juggernaut aligns with a tentative trade deal for China and a smoother path for Brexit. Looking at...
The dollar-yen pair is struggling to maintain an advance, the fifth day out of six. And going forward, the horizon becomes less clear for the yen; this is apparent both in the fundamentals, that are...
For oil traders focused on the production side of the industry, a serious concern is always the ability to identify the so-called swing producers, usually identified by a country, capable of moving...