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Energy Futures Technical Analysis Summary

Name Type 5 Minutes 15 Minutes Hourly Daily
Brent Oil Moving Averages: Strong Sell Strong Sell Strong Sell Strong Sell
Indicators: Strong Sell Strong Sell Strong Sell Strong Sell
Summary: Strong Sell Strong Sell Strong Sell Strong Sell
Crude Oil WTI Moving Averages: Strong Sell Strong Sell Strong Sell Strong Sell
Indicators: Strong Sell Strong Sell Strong Sell Strong Sell
Summary: Strong Sell Strong Sell Strong Sell Strong Sell
Heating Oil Moving Averages: Strong Sell Strong Sell Strong Sell Strong Sell
Indicators: Strong Sell Strong Sell Strong Sell Strong Sell
Summary: Strong Sell Strong Sell Strong Sell Strong Sell
London Gas Oil Moving Averages: Neutral Sell Sell Strong Sell
Indicators: Buy Sell Strong Sell Strong Sell
Summary: Neutral Sell Strong Sell Strong Sell
Natural Gas Moving Averages: Strong Sell Strong Sell Sell Strong Buy
Indicators: Strong Sell Strong Sell Strong Sell Strong Buy
Summary: Strong Sell Strong Sell Strong Sell Strong Buy
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