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Does your trading edge suck? Lets fix it

Does your trading edge suck? Lets fix it

Friday, August 4, 2017

Expert: Glenn Howell
  • Forex
  • CFD
  • Technical Analysis
  • Price Action
  • Trading Systems
  • Beginners
This will be a once-off webinar showing beginner and intermediate level traders (across all asset classes) how to evaluate their trading system, or ‘edge’. Traders often approach the market looking for the ‘holy grail’ of trading systems where they never lose. Professional trading is quite the opposite, where long-term success comes down to three factors: Win-rate, reward vs. risk and how often you trade. We will also look at ‘luck’ and see what part it plays in long-term results. Attendees will have the tools they need to know whether what they are doing is ‘enough’ to see long-term success as traders.

We’ll start by defining what a real edge in trading looks like, namely, that it’s an advantage that is usually simple, and most importantly, very small. We’ll attempt to slay the idea of a ‘holy grail’ trading system that never loses, and then, combined with our new knowledge of what real trading is, we’ll show how a positive expectancy is critical to long-term success. Building on the positive expectancy theme, we’ll move over to ‘frequency’ – i.e., what’s the point of responsible trading if you only get one trade year (and how it DOES matter that your system trades often enough to make you money.)

Finally, we’ll tackle the very important concept of ‘luck’ in trading and show how the random distribution of wins and losses can impact your long-term performance. Yes, luck plays a part which can be simply visually demonstrated. At the end of the webinar, attendees are presented with a handy flow chart that will help them plug the gaps in their own trading, highlighting where their problems areas are, and what to do about it. 

Glenn Howell 
Glenn Howell is a trader and money-manager based in Johannesburg South Africa, licensed and regulated by the Financial Services Board through Unum Capital (FSB 564). Glenn specializes in Forex trading and is the founder and principle trader at, since 2014. Glenn’s approach to the markets is to keep things simple and follow the path of least resistance to profits.  
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