How does Isrotel -L's Dividend Yield (Ex Special Dividends) benchmark against competitors?
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Isrotel -L's Dividend Yield (Ex Special Dividends) Benchmarks
Dividend Per Share (Ex Special Dividends & Split Unadjusted) - The dividend paid to shareholders for each share of stock. For quarterly dividend payers, it's common practice to multiply the most recent dividend by 4 to calculate dividend per share. Special dividends are not included in the calculation and no adjustments are made for stock splits.
Dividends Payment Streak - Measures the number of consecutive calendar years a company has paid dividends without considering if the amount was increased during the calendar year.
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Measures the cash returned to shareholders by a firm as a percentage of the price they pay for each share of stock.
Definition of Dividend Yield (Ex Special Dividends)
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