How does Intel's Revenue Forecast (InvestingPro) benchmark against competitors?
We've identified the following companies as similar to Intel Corporation because they operate in a related industry or sector. We also considered size, growth, and various financial metrics to narrow down the list to the ones listed below.
Metrics similar to Revenue Forecast (InvestingPro) in the popular category include:
Negative EPS Revisions Ratio, Last 60 Days - Represents a ratio of analysts that have revised EPS forecasts downwards divided by a count of all analysts covering the company in the last 60 days (can be 0).
EBIT Margin Forecast - Forecasted earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT) as a percent of forecasted revenue.
Positive EPS Revisions Ratio, Last 90 Days - Represents a ratio of analysts that have revised EPS forecasts upwards divided by a count of all analysts covering the company in the last 90 days (can be 0).
Consensus Net Income, Actual - Reported net income including any adjustments for unusual items proposed by management. This metric is useful for analyst forecast vs actual analysis since deciding which add backs are truly "unusual" is subjective. Consider using "ni" slug instead for other analysis.
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Forecasted revenue based on consensus analyst estimates when available.
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