How does Islamic Arab Insurance's Fair Value (InvestingPro) benchmark against competitors?
We've identified the following companies as similar to Islamic Arab Insurance Company because they operate in a related industry or sector. We also considered size, growth, and various financial metrics to narrow down the list to the ones listed below.
Islamic Arab Insurance's Fair Value (InvestingPro) Benchmarks
DDM Fair Value - Our estimate of fair value for a company using various dividend discount models.
DCF Fair Value Upside - Our estimate of fair value upside for a company using various discounted cash flow analysis methods.
DDM Fair Value Upside - Our estimate of fair value upside for a company using various dividend discount models.
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The Fair Value is an estimation determined through various valuation models, including discounted cash flow analysis, peer valuation multiples models,...
Definition of Fair Value (InvestingPro)
Fair Value represents the fair value estimated using our valuation models.
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