Metrics similar to Relative Strength Index (14d) in the popular category include:
Technial Signal (1w) - This summary metric aggregates various technical indicators over the past one week to produce a comprehensive market signal. The value, which can be Strong Sell, Sell, Neutral, Buy, or Strong Buy, synthesizes the analysis of multiple technical signals, offering a consolidated outlook on short-term market movements.
MACD (12d, 26d) - Illustrates the relationship between two moving averages, aiding in the identification of trend directions and reversals.
Technial Signal (15m) - This summary metric aggregates various technical indicators over the past 15 minutes to produce a comprehensive market signal. The value, which can be Strong Sell, Sell, Neutral, Buy, or Strong Buy, synthesizes the analysis of multiple technical signals, offering a consolidated outlook on short-term market movements.
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A momentum oscillator that measures the speed and change of price movements.
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