Metrics similar to Price / FCF Growth Ratio in the valuation category include:
Relative Value Health Score - Our proprietary relative value score is one of the five components used in our financial health analysis. Relative value score values range between 0 to 5 and roughly translate to a company's percentile ranking in its sector and economic risk region. For example, a relative value score of 2 suggests the company's relative value ranks in the 40th percentile in its sector and economic risk region.
Growth Health Label - Growth Health label assigned based on score. Value is one of EXCELLENT, GREAT, GOOD, FAIR, or WEAK
Relative Value Health Label - Relative Value health label assigned based on score. Value is one of EXCELLENT, GREAT, GOOD, FAIR, or WEAK
Cash Flow Score - Our proprietary cash flow score is one of the five components used in our financial health analysis. Cash flow score values range between 0 to 5 and roughly translate to a company's percentile ranking in its sector and economic risk region. For example, a cash flow score of 2 suggests the company's cash flow ranks in the 40th percentile in its sector and economic risk region.
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