Metrics similar to Total Operating Expenses in the financials category include:
Other Non Interest Expense - This item represents realized or unrealized Gains or Losses on Foreign exchange and reported by the company in the non-interest expense section, taxes other than income tax and all recurring operating expenses reported by the company in the non-interest expense section of Income Statement, other than salaries and other employee benefits, occupancy expense, equipment expenses, federal deposit insurance expense, stock-based compensation, selling general & administration expenses, amortization of goodwill and intangible assets, asset write-down, restructuring charges, loss on sale of loans, securities, assets and business, loss on foreclosed property, merger related charges etc.
Assets of Discontinued Operations, Long-term - The aggregate value of non-current assets from business segments that a company has disposed of or wants to dispose of in the near future.
Restricted Cash - This item represents cash and cash equivalents, which are restricted for use or transfer, and normally consists of funds held in escrow or cash restricted in use.
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