Metrics similar to Owner Earnings Yield in the valuation category include:
Equity Risk Premium (Operating Country) - Equity risk premium in the country where the company operates as estimated by professor Aswath Damodaran at NYU Stern. Source:
Market Cap / LTM AFFO - Indicates the multiple of adjusted funds from operations (AFFO) that stock investors are willing to pay for one share of the firm.
EV / Revenue - Measures the dollars in Enterprise Value for each dollar of revenue over the last twelve months.
Ben Graham Formula Upside - The percentage increase (if positive) or decrease (if negative) an investor can expect over the current stock price based on the Ben Graham Formula Value. The Ben Graham Formula Value estimates a stock's intrinsic value based on a formula inspired by investor and professor, Benjamin Graham.
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Measures the amount of owner earnings for each dollar of market cap.
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