Metrics similar to Merger & Related Restructuring Charges in the financials category include:
Trading Asset Securities - This item represents both debt and equity securities, which reflect active and frequent buying and selling by the company with an intention to generate profits from short-term price movements. The main motto of investment is profit generation and not long-term holding or capital appreciation.
EBITDAR - Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, amortization, and rent costs (EBITDAR) adjusted for certain one-time items.
Stock-Based Comp - Total Stock-Based Compensation is a supplemental line item with the following components: Stock-Based Comp., COGS (Total), Stock-Based Comp., R&D Exp. (Total), Stock-Based Comp., S&M Exp. (Total), Stock-Based Comp., G&A Exp. (Total), Stock-Based Comp., SG&A Exp. (Total), Stock-Based Comp., Other (Total), Stock-Based Comp., After-Tax (Total).
Deferred Charges Long-term - Non-current costs that are deferred and amortized over time or prepaid and earned at a later date.
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Expenses related to corporate actions including mergers, acquisitions and spin-offs.
Definition of Merger & Related Restructuring Charges
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