July 9 (Reuters) - Red 5 Ltd RED.AX :
* Suspension from official quotation commencing 10 July 2015 RED.AX
* Updates on impact on operations from significant movement of material from eastern Wall into open pit at siana gold project
* Says no injuries occurred and no equipment was damaged
* Says ore processing is continuing using the existing ore stockpile
* Says company is not aware of any reason why the voluntary suspension should not be granted
* Access ramps to pit floor have not been affected and some ore is accessible at the base of the pit
* Access ramps to the pit floor have not been affected and some ore is accessible at the base of the pit
* Says significant impacts on future mining operations and the mine schedule are expected
* Voluntary suspension is sought until the release by the company of an announcement regarding the initial assessment of the impacts
* Source text for Eikon ID:nASX4qbgp7